In 10,000 B.C the Yangshao dynasty developed.
"At the spot where the Wei He and the Huang He meet was the perfect location for the establishment of the very first Yangshao farming villages." This location was perfect because it had clean water, and sandy soil.
"The Yangshao built many small villages, such as Banpo, with houses that were built partly underground. These houses had plastered floors, and their roofs were held up by wooden posts." the Yanshao dynasty was known for their creative forms of pottery. Yangshao gave agriculture the priority. Fishing, hunting and collecting assisted farming. Most of their tools were for grinding. Refined grind stone axes, shovels, millstones, arrows, and harpoons were among the commonly used ones. Yangshao villages varied in sizes. Large villages had strict layouts like the Jiangzhai Village.
Longshan Dynasty
"The Lungshan lived on the plains of eastern China. Their villages were similar to those of the Yangshao, but evidence of stamped earth fortresses is found in some sites. They created Black Pottery. This pottery was of exceptional quality. It had a polished exterior, was never painted, and is almost always without decoration. This pottery may have been a direct predecessor to later Chinese pottery, as the forms of the vessels are typical of Chinese pottery. Firing bones for the purpose of divination, which continued into the following dynasties, also began during this time. The Lungshan began to bury their dead facing downwards, which is how all bodies were buried during the Bronze Age. They used bones for arrowheads and small tools, but used polished stones for axes and sickles. Their domesticated animals were the pig, dog, sheep, and ox." (From the website http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/ancient_china/neolithic.html)
"At the spot where the Wei He and the Huang He meet was the perfect location for the establishment of the very first Yangshao farming villages." This location was perfect because it had clean water, and sandy soil.
"The Yangshao built many small villages, such as Banpo, with houses that were built partly underground. These houses had plastered floors, and their roofs were held up by wooden posts." the Yanshao dynasty was known for their creative forms of pottery. Yangshao gave agriculture the priority. Fishing, hunting and collecting assisted farming. Most of their tools were for grinding. Refined grind stone axes, shovels, millstones, arrows, and harpoons were among the commonly used ones. Yangshao villages varied in sizes. Large villages had strict layouts like the Jiangzhai Village.
Longshan Dynasty
"The Lungshan lived on the plains of eastern China. Their villages were similar to those of the Yangshao, but evidence of stamped earth fortresses is found in some sites. They created Black Pottery. This pottery was of exceptional quality. It had a polished exterior, was never painted, and is almost always without decoration. This pottery may have been a direct predecessor to later Chinese pottery, as the forms of the vessels are typical of Chinese pottery. Firing bones for the purpose of divination, which continued into the following dynasties, also began during this time. The Lungshan began to bury their dead facing downwards, which is how all bodies were buried during the Bronze Age. They used bones for arrowheads and small tools, but used polished stones for axes and sickles. Their domesticated animals were the pig, dog, sheep, and ox." (From the website http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/ancient_china/neolithic.html)
This is a Great blog!!!!!!!!!! :D